10 Questions Your Content Needs to Answer

Monday Edition

Magic Trick #20 for you -

10 questions your copy/post/content needs to answer always -

This increases engagement by 3x and retention by 2x.

1/ Is this for me?

↳ Address this by specifying your ICP

2/ What's in it for me?

↳ Address this by talking about the benefits

3/ How does it work?

↳ Address this by explaining your mechanism

4/ Will it work for me?

↳ Address this showcasing testimonials

5/ Why now?

↳ Address this by including urgency and scarcity

6/ How's it different from anything else I have heard?

↳ Address this by showing your USP

7/ Why should I trust you?

↳ Address this by bringing in a credible back story

8/ What's included?

↳ Address this by breaking down your offer into various components

9/ What if it doesn't work?

↳ Address this by your guarantee and return policy

10/ How can I get started?

↳ Address this by presenting a clear CTA

Answer all these and I guarantee you can sell anything to anyone

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Achyuta & Vihangi


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