3 Ways to Improve Engagement on Your LinkedIn Post

Monday Edition

Magic Trick #22 for you -

More engagement always leads to more leads generated.

This means a lot of stress on people who write on LinkedIn for improving on their biz.

Mind you - improving on impressions do not always lead to improving in engagement.

They are 2 different games.

Impressions is the amount of people your content reaches to.
Engagement is the content liking or relatability score.

Today, we are going to learn simple things that can help you gain more engagement on LinkedIn.

I am close to 250+ engagement daily. In fact more, but haven’t replied to a lot of comments this week.

Fig A - My engagement performance from this week

1/ ‘LinkedIn’ in hooks ensures people reading.

You’ll notice the best posts from my week always has the word ‘LinkedIn’ in it.

Quite simply because everyone is clueless on the platform.
And anyone who can talk and provide value on how to be better here - sees engagement.

This could be you teaching how to set up a profile, write hooks, write CTAs, outreach, build a biz. Or anything that you are doing here.

Do this and you’ll see an improved engagement.

Fig B - My best posts this week

2/ Double white space after hooks

Part of the reason is when you use a single space, your post looks like this -

<hook line>

<second line [incomplete]>….see more

This ruins the interest of your audience as they already have a clue of what is to come.

Double spaces ensure the second line on the post is not visible on the feed.
Check figure A - the second line is mostly ‘…’

This makes the reader dive deep into the post.

The post opens up. Takes space on their screen and it inclines them to read everything.

Finally reaching to the engagement button which they press on if they enjoyed that post of yours.

Fig C - Notice the double space after hooks

3/ Optimise your post to be mobile friendly

Let’s be honest. I am probably one of the only few here who uses a laptop for LinkedIn.

Most of you use your mobile to scroll.
To type a comment.
To even write a post (idk how you do this…)

I write most of my post with lines that are under 10-12 words.
And then I cut to next line.

Use conjunctions, arrows to build a flow.

My advice - do not break sentences abruptly.
But break them, it makes it mobile friendly.

Take a look of this post on your mobile screen - here

You’ll see it the exact way you see this laptop screenshot.

Compare yours now.

Remember, your audience needs to feel easy while reading and you do this by optimising content that is best for all screens.


Take time to edit. Practice it.

P.S. - Which of these tips did you not know earlier? Drop us a reply. We’d love to know

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