3 Words To Use On Hooks That Increases Reach

Monday Edition

Magic Trick #37 for you -

Hooks play an important role in the digital world.

And there are tonnes of guides on how to write hooks.

I have one too. But we won’t go there today.

Today, I am going to talk about 3 words that when used on your hooks will improve your impressions by 3x.

Not even kidding - these work.

  1. Hiring

This has happened every time I have done this.

My average LinkedIn post has 150 likes, 120 odd comments and the impressions are around 3,000-4,000.

You’ll notice the hiring post has almost 3x the reach.

Even though, the engagement is poor.

This is because LinkedIn pushes a hiring post more than anything.

It understands that even today 85% of its audience come to the platform for the process of finding a job only.

Hook has the word ‘hiring’

  1. LinkedIn

LinkedIn has a special space for the word ‘LinkedIn’.

And more so, if your overall content is educative.

LinkedIn loves it when people talk about the platform, its functioning and its people.

As long as it is not a post that disses LinkedIn or is talking about how bad the LinkedIn support is (because it is)

Give it a shot, you’ll see your average impressions improving.

Mine went from 25,000 every week to 40,000.

This helps me get more leads and build quicker following.

Hook has the word ‘LinkedIn’

  1. Algorithm

This is pushed by your audience interaction more than LinkedIn.

Your audience will love a post that breakdowns algorithm.

Or just talks about it.

Higher engagement will get you more impressions.

This is a kind of post I write when my engagement is super low or I need a jump in my impressions and always works out for me.

Hook has the word ‘algorithm’

Give these a shot.

And come back to me with your analysis.
Most of it should work for you considering I have done this with our clients & myself over good 1.5 years.

Waiting to hear from you.

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Achyuta & Vihangi


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