Ace These 5 Basics In Copywriting

Monday Edition

Magic Trick #30 for you -

Copywriting is easy.

Trust me, people around the world make it difficult.

Probably, to keep their business.

I’ll reveal all the secrets here.

Follow these 5 basic steps and you’ll become a better copywriter than I was when I started -

1. Change CTA → CTV

“Get started” → “Create your newsletter”

“Start free trial” → “Try it at no cost”

Stop telling your audience what to do.
Start telling them what they will get.

2. Use ‘you’ wherever you can

“Be fit” → “Be in your best shape”

“Sleep better” → “Fix your sleep”

Talk to your audience and not at them.

3. Be optimistic

“You’ll lose most of your hair by 40 if you don’t act now” → “Give X a shot and experience healthy hair even after 40”

People love positivity.

4. Catch attention

People have sh*tty attention.
Your job -
Make them read the first line.
Then the next one.
Then the other one.
And keep going.
Half-finished sentences. Suspension points. Transition words.

5. Action > Description

“Our gym routine is effective, healthy and perfect for your body” → “Our gym routine makes you lose rapid weight, and keeps track of your body and energy levels”

Replace all your adjectives with verbs for a better copy.

It’s this simple to be a good copywriter.

5 basic hacks and you have cracked the code.

We are on a run to make this newsletter the next James Clear. Help us get there by recommending this one. We’ll shower you with love all your life.

Achyuta & Vihangi


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