You Can Be A Legend On X Too

Monday Edition

Magic Trick #39 for you -

I am assuming you have already mastered LinkedIn today.

I am assuming all my tricks already seem basic to you.

Who am I kidding?
Y’all are LinkedIn Legends.

I was hoping to help you dominate 2 platforms from hereon.

And with minimal work.

Let’s say - I convinced you to create an X Id today.

How would we go about dominating the platform?

In the coming newsletters, I’ll break it down step by step.

Today, we’ll touch on the basics -

1. What to post?
2. When to post? How many times to post?

Remember, on LinkedIn you can gain close to 25-30 followers/post.

Some gain upwards of 100 in every post.

On X, you gain 1 follower in 5-7 posts.

Sounds scary?

Not really, X counts every comment as a post.

So, considering the Maths an average LinkedIn guru sells you - 1 post, 40 comments equals 41 posts on X.

  1. What to post?

Whatever you have been on LinkedIn.

Now if you are someone who has already created content on LinkedIn for good 3 months - 50-60 posts.

You have roughly 200-250 tweets ready.

Each LinkedIn post can easily get you 4-5 tweets.

My suggestion?

Nobody knows you on X. Repurpose your LinkedIn content.

I literally found my 1st 100 followers with repurposing content.

But this does not mean you need to post only in your niche.

Post what you feel. About the weather. The football game you are watching. Political opinion once in a while.

No platform better than X to show your personality. People will love you for it.

My LinkedIn repurposed post

My random rant on football

  1. When to post? How many times to post?

The best part about X is its open algorithm.

You post at 1 AM - and your content still goes viral.
There is no fixed audience your post goes to.

LinkedIn sends your post to your 1st connections.
Their reaction determines your post-performance

But, X sends your post to your followers and also its general feed together.

You have an added advantage to go viral on X (I will talk about it how sometime later)

Now, I would suggest you post 3 times a day. Can go up to 5 times.

These are posts that are your distinct opinions.

Remember, the LinkedIn posts we were repurposing?
Use them here.

I generally go - 8AM, 1PM, 5PM, 9PM, 1AM - all scheduled.

I do my personality posts at any random time.
Something I felt listening to music, bam - it’s on X.

The fixed timing builds my loyal audience - who know the content & niche I am good at.

The personality posts show how different I am from everyone. Brings in new following.

Trust me, even if it is a group of 50 followers who do not care about my content on copywriting, or branding - its okay.

Your following on X builds authority.
Your post views build authority.

If you are averaging 100-odd likes at 10,000 followers - you are doing crazy good.

Now, go out there and be an X legend too now.

I am waiting to see you there - @achyutabid

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Achyuta & Vihangi


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