Can LinkedIn Page Be Used For Business?

Friday Edition

Magic Trick #41 for you -

How powerful is a LinkedIn page?

Very. Infact, a lot for lead generation. And a big protection from LinkedIn bans.

Look at Luke Matthews -

He got banned. But is still communicating through a LinkedIn page.

And has amassed a following of upwards of 30,000+ there.

If you are still unsure of building a LinkedIn page - start revisiting your strategies.

My suggestion?

Make one today.

CwC LinkedIn Page

What can you post on this page?


    To warm the page up and keep things easy for yourself, repost your posts initially.

    Ideally, repost older posts for them to show up on everyone’s feed while you let the current one run its cycle.

    Keep doing this and you’ll see overall impressions improving.

    LinkedIn starts feeling your profile drives value because pages are interacting with older posts.

    It further pushes your post to more people’s feeds whose interaction makes LinkedIn believe even more about the value you bring to the table for your audience.

    Reposted content from my profile

  2. Community Reposts

    This is your step 2 to get people to view your page regularly.

    Start reposting posts from your community.

    You can start by reposting 5 of your favourite posts from the day and add a small caption with your thoughts.

    This brings appreciation and a good amount of profile views.

  3. Posts for community

    Start building on posts that keep your community engaged.

    The page needs to have an interactive personality too.

    People view your profile because it is you.

    Your page won’t have the same authority on Day 1 and it will be difficult to remind your audience that it is your page from Day 1.

    This is where I suggest you post for the community.

    Interactive content that gives them a chance to keep coming back to your page.

    For instance, at CwC we do -
    1. Posts Of The Week
    2. Comments Of The Week

    And we have done close to 40 editions of it.

    This means for 40 weeks we have been continuously finding content to showcase on our carousel.

    This gets our audience to look for these posts on Tuesdays and Fridays.
    Also, go through the entire carousel to see if they made it.

    And what were the best posts & comments.

    Simultaneously, this starts building authority for us.

    LinkedIn Posts Of The Week - 33rd edition

  4. Repurposed post

    We repurpose some of our newsletter content on our page.

    We repurpose some of our tweets on our page.

    We repurpose some of our old individual MOFU posts on our page.

    We repurpose some of our Instagram videos on our page.

    Repurposing helps us build a loyal audience on the page.
    Plus, takes less energy and is very efficient.

  5. Original content

    Finally, we do a couple of memes.

    We also - post on other writers.

    Our theories. Our BTS. Our Hiring & Some LinkedIn Algorithm conversations & news.

    This gets our audience to not get bored/ tired of consuming the same old content and adds a different layer of spice to our page and the idea.

    Also, pushes you to be original.

    But then again - you reach here once you have gone through 1 - 4 first.

We upload memes once a week

Our LinkedIn page performance hasn’t been the greatest there is but we have racked up 2200+ followers.

And are growing everyday

LinkedIn Page performance for this week

We are on a run to make this newsletter the next James Clear. Help us get there by recommending this one. We’ll shower you with love all your life.

Achyuta & Vihangi


or to participate.