3 LinkedIn Post Templates

Week 2

Magic Trick #2 For You -

3 LinkedIn post templates for you -

Template 1 -

I’ll be honest with this one.

Not everyday is going to be your day.

Most of the days -
→ ‘write average day results 1’
‘write average day results 2’
‘write average day results 3’

Detach yourself from the outcome.

Start ‘activity’ because
→ ‘why you do it 1’
‘why you do it 2’
‘why you do it 3’

Do this.
Average day won’t bother you.
And a good ‘activity’ day will feel like an added reward.

Template 2 -

‘your niche’ Not-to-do list -

Don’t → ‘activity 1’
Don’t → ‘activity 2’
Don’t → ‘activity 3’

Template 3 -

How to go from good → great in ‘your niche’

Focus on what they do -

Good ‘in your niche’ -
↳ ‘what they do 1’
↳ ‘what they do 2’

Great ‘in your niche’ -
↳ ‘what they do 1’
↳ ‘what they do 2’

Good ‘in your niche’ do …

Great ‘in your niche’ do …

How do you create one? 

Let’s do this. Say, I want to create a Do and Don’t list for a post -

Templatizing is mostly great formatting. That’s it.

Let me show you 5 -


✔️ ‘do list’

❌ ‘don’t list’

✔️ ‘do list’

❌ ‘don’t list’


‘list 1’

Do → ‘activity 1’

Do → ‘activity 2’

‘list 2’

Don’t → ‘activity 1’

Don’t → ‘activity 2’


Do -

→ ‘activity 1’

→ ‘activity 2’

Don’t -

→ ‘activity 1’

→ ‘activity 2’

You see there’s a 100 different ways of playing with the same content.

  • You can repurpose the same content just by formatting it in a different way.

  • This is not just for a Do and Don’t List. You can work this out on your existing posts. Just need to take a look at it.

Happy templatizing.

This Week - My Life

I got called to chair an AIESEC conference. I’ll break this down for you -

I worked at AIESEC for 3.5 years, my final position being on the National Team of AIESEC in India. I am an official alumni of the organization.

20th August - the current President of AIESEC in India, Yashovardhan invited me to officially help his team deliver a conference. It did not take me a long time to say ‘Yes’.

4 years ago, I joined the organization and fell in love with its vision after attending a similar conference, listening to an alumni then. To do this for a future generation seemed mouth watering.

I landed on the 28th August in Delhi, travelled to Bhiwadi and stayed at the venue for 7 days.

15 hours of sleep in total. But an unreal experience.

This was a conference attended by delegates from 13+ cities. The objective of the conference was to show the youth the problems India faces, the need of cross cultural understanding and how they could fulfil their true potential.

My role was to help a delivery team of 20 people to enhance the audience’s experience, go great with speaking and presentation and make this conference an enjoyable one.

Honestly, when I think about it now. These bunch of 20 people did not need any help. They were brilliant as they were. Owned the place. Owned the audience.

Every time I doubt where our country is headed when I hear something disturbing, I am reminded that there are organizations like AIESEC that truly believes in investing their time and energy into the youth, who are the solution to all the problems we have.

If you are a college student - my advice, join AIESEC. I did, and it changed me.

Track LinkedIn with Me -

  • Post impression 54.1% drop because I did not post for 7 days continuous last week. This has also drastically affected my reach for my new posts now.

  • Total followers → Increase by 4% even though I had not posted at all. This was because I was dropping 25 comments everyday and had gone to a physical meet where people followed me on spot.

  • Profile Views → I saw a drop in profile views which was very likely considering the lack of posting. 0 inbound leads, which clearly shows the power of regular posting

  • Search appearances → This increased and I have a reasonable answer. I had been posting for 100+ continuous days on the trot and stopping for a week meant people were curious and they dropped in to check on my posts. Also received 13 messages checking on me through the week.

Achyuta’s Recommendation List -

→ Movie - War Machine

→ Song - Dreams Tonite by Alvvays

→ Book - The Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy

→ Tool - DALL E

→ YT video - Live for Emotions

→ Favourite quote -

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.

Walt Disney

5 Posts That Made Me Go Awe This Week -


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