How To Use CHATGPT for Writing

Friday Edition

Magic Trick #9 for you -

There has been a lot of conversations on AI lately.

We wanted to be at the top of your mind.

This edition of Magic Trick is the best of AI you have read in 2024.

I'll prove it to you.

→ Log on to ChatGPT
→ Write a prompt on anything
→ Experiment with features I list down below

1. Perplexity - amount of options AI has for the next word it produces
↳ more options - result is creative but unpredictable
↳ less options - result is dull but safe & predictable

You control perplexity with temperature mode.
↳ temperature 0.0 = low perplexity
↳ temperature 1.0 = high perplexity

Write your prompt. And then add 'temperature = 1.0'
Vary the numbers. You'll see magic.

2. Frequency penalty - penalises AI for going in loops or using the same idea
↳ more penalty - result ensures no words and phrases are repeated
↳ less penalty - result ensures some words and phrases are

You control frequency with penalty mode.
↳ frequency penalty 0.0 = highly common
↳ frequency penalty 1.0 = highly uncommon

Write your prompt. And then add 'frequency penalty = 1.0'
Vary the numbers. You'll see magic again.

3. Burstiness - creates tempo and human like bursts in writing
↳ more burstiness - change in size of each sentence length
↳ less burstiness - similar size in sentence length

You control burstiness with burstiness mode.
↳ burstiness 0.0 = more AI, more professional
↳ burstiness 1.0 = more human, little casual

Write your prompt. And then add 'burstiness = 1.0'
Vary the numbers. You'll see magic once more.

I say - use all 3 together too.
AI is still far from what being perfect.

But it's been less than a solid year since ChatGPT came into the hands of a common person.

And boy'o'boy, it is powerful.

P.S. - Tell me this is the best one you have read on AI. Drop us a mail with your thoughts.

You Inspire Too

The world is run by people. And we often forget that. The people wearing suits, their shades, walking on the road is a picture the market wants us to see and remember.

At CwC, we believe there’s a hoodie person, a pyjama person, a Jalebi over croissant person captured in that tight fit dress they wear to the office.

And we want to know why they like that hoodie so much.

You Inspire Too is a section where we celebrate the person behind the amazing social presence they have build. These are creators who are shaping the new world.

And today, we have -

Richa Sharma.

She has a community of close to 11,000 followers who are learning what a Digital & Marketing campaign looks like.

We bothered her with a couple of questions to get to know her better.

Hope you do too -

CwC - Can you quickly tell us who Richa really is?

Richa - I'm Richa, a digital marketing person, and a coffee lover. My friend Achyuta sent me this questionnaire yesterday but I'm writing this on Friday and it's the hardest thing I had to do today. Why? Because I just got my nails done & they're too long for me to write properly. (major regret)

I like talking about startups, food, marketing, business & anything fun. 

I'm a great human to hang out with, so peaceful that you won't even realize I'm sitting there lol. 

I am a very socially awkward person so if I see you somewhere & don’t respond then that doesn’t mean I’m rude. I’m just used to minding my own business hehe

CwC - Sorry that we gave you a tough time. Hope nothing happened to those nails while typing this down. We are curious though on what is Richa’s story?

Richa - My life was pretty normal until I passed 12th grade. After the 12th class, I got admitted to BBA & withdrew the admission after the orientation, then I started CS & cleared the entrance but after 1.5 years I realised that it was not my calling. Then I took admission in bcom & completed it while also pursuing a diploma in digital marketing. I always wanted to do something creative and after entering marketing I found my passion. Now I'm working in marketing & thriving every day, the rest is history! 😂 

CwC - We are glad you work in the marketing field now. Another one for you - What is that one incident that pushed you to grow from a kid to an adult?

Richa - My transition happened when I moved to Delhi for my first job. I rented a room in a PG & had to live in a tiny room for the first time in my life lol. When I started earning, I realised the importance of money. Since then I have been very conscious of my spending. My earnings increased but still, I try to keep my expenses the same because now I pay all my bills & provide an excellent life for myself. This whole journey made me an adult quite literally.

CwC - Where do you see the world moving to? 

Richa - I think I would like to see a world where we all have freedom in all possible ways & people are kind to each other. A world where no one bullies or discriminates based on religion, caste, or race. In the world of AI, I would like to see honest humans on the internet.

CwC - That was a beautiful answer. Lately, the world really seems to be lacking humans. Eitherways, how do you think your writing contributes to the change we want to see? 

Richa - I started writing to share my knowledge & experience with the world. I had no intention of selling my services at all, I just wanted to be known as people’s go-to marketing person on LinkedIn. My current missing is to help people with their Marketing problems & work with a d2c plan. My vision is to build a B2C platform of my own. 

CwC - Finally, What would you like to say to all the 10,000+ lovely people who have been cheering for you?

Richa - I'd like to thank them for their continuous support & engagement with my content. I hope it helps them in their journey & obviously, I'm just a DM away if you need my help. 

Say Hi to Richa

You can follow Richa here


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