Copywriting Tips That Make Life Easy

Friday Edition

Magic Trick #17 for you -

The demand is pretty high.

I am sorry but this edition you’ll see us blabbering a lot about Copywriting.

And how to every word you write.


1/ Your CTA needs to be super specific.

Make it action pushed.

This just makes you a better writer and a salesperson.

“Buy now” → “Get instant access + lifetime updates.”
“Join today” → “Join 1,325 marketeers inside.”

2/ Start your sentence with transitions words.

Use words like these to make your copy flow -

→ And, But, Because, Besides, Normally

Your copy sounds more humane.

And when it does, people interact with it more.

3/ Change tech terms to benefits

Your customers don’t buy tech terms, they buy benefits.

I mean we know you know your sh*t.

As a fellow copywriter, we get you.

Your customers won’t.

“Waterproof phone case” → “Great photoshoots in the rain.”


The 'best' copywriting tip I have for you today.

And I challenge you to beat this.

Write a sentence. Surprise your audience with an unexpected twist at the end.

Let me show you how.

→ I am the brand strategist with brains of a salesman, ideas of a marketeer and 'humility of an influencer.'

→ This Tesla runs like a cheetah, looks like a lion and 'makes the driver look like a donkey.'

-> I don't do boring. I don't average. 'And I don't do anyone just like that.'

-> Our paintings are a bit luxury, look heavenly, and 'taste wood.'

Audience. Customers. Readers love bold.

Go on now. Be a beast. Try this out

Send us your best copies for ‘Apple’

We’ll feature them in our next edition.

I am waiting to read some smart ones.

We are on a run to make this newsletter the next James Clear. Help us get there by recommending this one. We’ll shower you with love all your life.

Achyuta & Vihangi


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