How To Get 1M+ Impressions on LinkedIn

Friday Edition

Magic Trick #23 for you -

Gurus will tell you reaching 1M+ people on LinkedIn will take you forever.

Or worse? Their courses and coaching will help you do so.

Here’s the truth - You Can easily hit 1M mark every year.

My numbers past 365 days

When you look at it - 1M/365 days is just < 2800 impression per post.

And I am easily doing 2x per post.

My impressions per post in the last 7 days

Here’s 3 ways how -

1/ Pick a topic no one is talking about

Play smart here

Search for topics that people are talking about.

There’s a trend where everyone is hovering around the basics.

Become attractive.

Talk about Step 2. Talk specific. Talk about things that are a little more complicated.

For instance -
The world talks about need of engagement on LinkedIn.
I talk about how engagement affects your daily impressions.

Naturally, makes my content appealing.

2/ Engage at every timezone.

Your impressions need to be flying every hour.

This happens only when your content is appreciated by people opening LinkedIn on all hours.

Do yourself a favour and analyse when does a certain creator open and write their post.

Find 5 each at 4 different timezones. Engage with them.

My preference - EST, AST, IST, PST.

3/ Go all in when you know its working

We often don’t realise when experimentation needs to stop.

You never test 5 different things at a time.

You test 1 factor against another everytime and collect enough sample to make a call.

Here’s how I decided to upload picture of myself (no caption on the picture) with content at 9:11 AM BST everyday -

I tested timing first.
Posted at every time there is and felt most comfortable and more visible here @ 9.11 AM.

Then I tested different content at 9:11 AM, found pictures > carousels > infographics > texts.

Next, I uploaded pictures with caption on it and without it.
Finally, based on my result decided on the first.

Took me good 3 months to get it right.
Takes time.

Once you do this - I assure you hitting jackpot isn’t tough.

You’ll easily do 1M+ impression each year.

To put this in context -

That’s 13 stadiums with 72,000 people in each of them.

Your own mini Eras Tour.

Do it.

P.S. - What is your biggest struggle on LinkedIn?

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