A Gift For You

hey fam.

just wanted to drop by and say thanks for cheering us on.

35th newsletter is out today and i couldn’t be more happier.

if you have just joined us - you can read the rest 34 here.

i’ll keep this one short -

over the last 1 year, i have reached over 2.5M+ people across linkedin, x, instagram and newsletter.

our team at cwc has reached close to 8M+ people across all channels.

crazy numbers.

but we want to go 5x this year. our main focus is to build this newsletter.

this is where we need you.

you need to become our superheroes.

and make our dreams come true.

help us by -

  1. dropping us feedback on how you find our newsletter

  2. or just letting us know what’s working

  3. maybe even recommending additions

your response will help us improve.

drop a reply to this mail w your thoughts.

in return -

i’ll be sending across a ‘LinkedIn Management Tool’

it’s an automated google sheet that will help you keep tabs on your linkedin performance better.

i use it to track my linkedin progress.

and it helps me understand the kind of posts that work for me.

if just in case you don’t have time or are busy saving someone else, i get it.

here’s still 2 rewards for you. afterall, you have stuck w us for long -

  1. a picture of me that you will never see on any social media

    idk why i clicked this

  2. 28 hooks you can use in your next post

    28 Hook Templates Tailor-made for you.pdfdownload this and stop worrying about hooks that get you engagement.1.02 MB • PDF File

thank you and i’ll see you on friday.


p.s.: have you checked out our instagram page yet? find it here. 


or to participate.