How To Write Engaging Content

Monday Edition

Magic Trick #28 for you -

Apologies for a mail dump on a Tuesday.

Beehiiv decided to do the unthinkable. Not send a scheduled mail on Monday.

But we move on -

If you are reading still - it’s probably because I write engagingly.

And you want to know what’s next.

Here’s the thing - Writing engaging content is the need of the hour.

Here’s how to do it -

1/ Combine two unrelated topics.

Can you relate Picasso to LinkedIn?

It’s never been done before.
All the more reasons to do it.

Give it a shot.

Here’s mine -

ex - “Only Picasso rated my E-book a 1/5.

He hated my tip of using 35% white spaces on your LinkedIn canvas to win audiences.”

2/ Let your writing talk

Get your posts to speak to your audience.

Make it conversational.

Simple and effective.

ex - “You are a writer in making.

A 100%.

We’ll just need to brush up on a few things.”

3/ Use the power of 3

If you are talking about a product/service, keep your 3 main benefits up top.

I learned this in a coaching class a while back. And honestly, the best thing I did.

ex - “Write better, faster and more efficient with my E-book”

4/ Kill the passive voice

Always consciously use active voice.

It’s engaging and easy to the eye.

ex - “Only 5 spots left” -> “Grab 1 out of 5 spots”

5/ Enact your audience

Search for words/topics that are trending on Reddit, Quora that are being used.

Apply them to your daily copy.

ex - “There’s two ways to make $10K/ month

Online poker

My E-book is all about the slow way of making money if you are interested.”

Use these and I promise you people will pull up to the end.
Just like how you all did.
And if you did - send me your thoughts on this newsletter as a reply.

A simple - “Liked it.” will work too.

We are on a run to make this newsletter the next James Clear. Help us get there by recommending this one. We’ll shower you with love all your life.

Achyuta & Vihangi


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