I Discovered A Discount Hack

Friday Edition

Mini Introduction -

Hello fam

I want you to play this song in the background while reading this -

if you are on your laptop - this
if you are on your mobile/tablet - this

I am not going to lie when I state that I was heartbroken not getting a ticket for Coldplay’s concert.

I tried my luck at the Mumbai concert.
I tried my luck at the Hull concert.
I also tried my luck at the London concert.

And waters. Everywhere.

I have been a Coldplay forever.
And not your usual one.

I can name you every band member.

Get me to a trivia quiz -
I’ll tell you how they met, their DOBs, what happened in their Sao Paulo concert or that time they played at the Paralympics and the story behind it.

Or the idea behind their latest album - Moon Music.

I hope this little rant helped you portray how devastated I was.

But no - the world was even more.

Over the last few weeks, I have seen reels of people complaining, cribbing, screaming, crying, and praying on the internet.

Somebody wants it to flood in Mumbai, so no one can have the concert experience because they can’t

And honestly, it made me question the world a little too much.

You’ll be shocked to know these -

1/ There are far more people complaining about not getting a Coldplay ticket on the internet than the world questioning the war in the Middle East.

2/ Food and water are sold at 10x what it usually costs in Palestine and the anger on the internet is about reselling tickets at 5x.

Isn’t it funny how we jump to action when it hurts us?

A DUI accident, a minor assaulted, is no problem to us. But not getting a Coldplay ticket is.

I don’t think half of the people reading this newsletter segregate their wastes and are butthurt because Coldplay allows less than stadium capacity for their concerts to stay as environmentally conscious as they could be.

I am not policing anyone.
Honestly, I am a broken soul myself - after all, I won’t get to hear Sky Full Of Stars with thousands of diehard Coldplay fans.

But I do believe we can use the Internet better.

Maybe, next time raise a voice for those who are finding it difficult to raise theirs.

And wait our turn to listen to Coldplay patiently.

Something no one does but you should 💁🏻

One of the first things I do, before I buy something, is look for a discount code on Google.

I am sure you do too.

This week I sat down and thought a lot about this.

“What if I saw a marketing opportunity for this very habit I have?”

It turns out that there are companies already leveraging on this human behaviour.

Look at this -

Zapier offers a 15% discount to non-profits

What’s so interesting about this?

You won’t find discount codes on Zapier’s website.

This pops up when you search for the discount code explicitly on a search engine.

The same is true for -
1/ Wix
2/ Notion

These companies have a dedicated ‘Discounts’ page with a special coupon code.
And none of this is linked to any other page on the site.

The aim is to let the page be discovered organically by customers.

I’ll tell you why this is a win-win.

These sites offer a discount of over 25% upfront once the free plan expires.

This discovery of a 10% discount code, when someone checks their website sees an increase in capturing potential customers early on, right at the start.

This works primarily because your customers feel like they've hit the jackpot.
They’ll feel the decision-making power is in their hand.

Plus, all hesitant buyers get the extra push they need to convert.

You won’t believe how a surprise discount can be a deciding factor.

Do this for your websites too -

You do not just make customers feel special and buy.
But additionally get extra backlinks from coupon websites that link directly to your discount page.

Additionally, you quickly rank #1 on Google because you have a dedicated URL.
Increase in organic traffic and trust.

Free forever for you 🤩 

Legit, forever ever for you.

Last week, I spoke about how to find your first gig using Reddit and X

If you did not get a chance to read that newsletter, read it here

This week, I will teach you how to get hired using LinkedIn the best way.

No, I am not joking. No, you did not know about this tool.

This tool helps you connect with industry leaders and ask for referrals.
Check it out - NetworkAI by WonsultingAI.

A tool I promise that will get you hired!

And btw, just in case you feel this is a sponsored post. It is not.

Here’s a reel you should see about it - here

I saw it 3 weeks back and have been using it since and the results and responses have been incredible.

Let me know what you think about it.

What’s cooking at CwC? 🎃

Well, well, well. This month was an eye-opener for us in all ways. Tough month but one that was needed for us to come together as a team. Shows how the biz world is never stable or standing still or waiting for you.

Item 1 - We are now a team of 11 🎊 

Yep, a big team now.
And the best part? Vihangi and I don’t manage anymore.

We have been lucky to have self-starters. People who own things and kill it every day.

Video editor, Graphic designer, Content Strategists, Lead Gen, Marketing Strategist & Sales Strategist.

And you can see us taking two steps forward everywhere.

We are on all social media platforms.
Our content is improving.
Our clients are satisfied.

And we are working on a very future-proof model.

All thanks to this bunch of people.

We are also going to soon start hiring aggressively.
Look out for such opportunities on our Instagram page - @brandswithcwc.

Item 2 - Connecting Stories - One Post At A Time ☑️

We are doing an event.
Yes, on the 1st and the 2nd of February, 2025.

Our goal is to help everyone understand the need to create content this decade.

We are selling no tickets - I promise. 🎫 

Honestly, all of them will be priced at $0. Free. Like it should be.

But we’d require your help to make this event a success.

Keep a close look at this space to know more on how you can help us in the future.

Item 3 - We hit a year at CwC 🍾 

Crazy year. When I look back at what we have achieved, it gives me the chills.

We have helped founders do big businesses.
We have helped our employees have a strong personal brands.
We have helped ourselves achieve a dream.

Check this out - here.

I am incredibly grateful to the 65,000+ of you following CwC’s stories on all channels.

We hope we were of some value to you this year.
If not, we’ll try harder.

Thank you for an incredible year and for being a part of this dream that is no more a dream today.

Send us a message about how has the last year been for you too. We’d love to know.

We are on a run to make this newsletter the next James Clear. Help us get there by recommending this one. We’ll shower you with love all your life.

Achyuta & Vihangi



or to participate.