Sorry about the last mail!

Friday Edition

Mini Introduction -

Hello fam

I want you to play this song in the background while reading this -

if you are on your laptop - this
if you are on your mobile/tablet - this

I have been meaning to share this with you for a long time.

One of my biggest flaws is - seeing the nice in the worst.
And it has always hurt me - in ways only I know.

I have come a long way today. 🚶‍♂️
The fact that I am aware of my flaws says it all.

Back in March of 2023, in 5 days, I had lost

  • my job

  • a relationship I thought was special

  • and an eye to high blood pressure

My world was upside down.
And like every goddamn time, I forgave myself and the situation I was in.

“You face hiccups on your way to greatness.”


Successful people solve problems before they become one.

And it took me years to realise this.

I had every hint that I was about to go down.

  • the company was at its all-time lowest for the past 2 quarters

  • there were uncomfortable conversations lately

  • my eyes would get red and hurt waking up

And I ignored. Walked my path. Like an idiot.
When disaster struck, I called it a hiccup in my journey.

Trust me when I say this, it took me months to return to the right headspace.

All this could have been avoided if I had -

  • looked for a new job 💼 

  • had that conversation speaking 👨 

  • started prioritising health 🚑

Years later, I never see the nice in my worst situations.

Because let’s be honest - there is nothing nice about going through a tough time.

What’s helped me though is sitting down and revisiting the situation I was in and thinking what I could have done better.

I actively look for trends in the present that seem common to my experiences in the past.

I also do this thing where I write the worst-case scenario based on my feelings and work out the problem.

Life has been better this way.

If you find yourself going through hell at times - don’t let it go as a one-off experience.
Accept what happened.
Accept the fact that you did not need to go through it.
And then do your best to learn from the experience.

Something no one does but you should 💁🏻

If you are still wondering what I was apologising for, read this -

There’s strong data that suggests words like ‘Sorry’ or ‘Test’ in the subject of an email get you a higher open rate than the usual ones.


Human psychology.
Those words evoke curiosity. 🧠 

Questions like -
→ “Why is he apologising for?”
→ “What did they do wrong?”
→ “Is it a big blunder?”
→ “Oops, what is this Test mail?”

And you know you are just one click away from the answer.

Look at this

Another thing to notice is -

People do realise when they open a marketing or a sales message that there is a mail written by you to push them to take action.

This understanding of intention gets them into a zone of resistance where they decide not to open emails.

They want to save their time & energy. 🕰️

Whereas curiosity is more of a pull than a push.

Reading this mail could be an interesting activity in their mind - a place they are willing to invest their time and energy.

There you go Ziggy-4 saw the same thing

It’s important to understand that email marketing is all based on trust.

This means writing a sorry on the subject line and then saying Oops like I did will piss people off.

This will lead to poorer email open rates in the future.

One way to go about it is to intentionally make a mistake - one that requires correction and send the correction immediately. (as long as ethical)

And about trusting me - c’mon am I not teaching you some of the best hacks on the internet?

Free forever for you 🤩 

Legit, forever ever for you.

Last week, I spoke about a WhatsApp chatbot that transcribes voicemails and saves a lot of my time.

If you did not get a chance to read that newsletter, read it here

This week I am going to help you get your first gig and trust me I won’t ask you to spam or outreach.

1/ Check out this subreddit 🤩 

This is just 1 of the 100s subreddit you can find

It has 2 threads - One where jobs are posted every week that you can apply to.

Since very few know about it - you get a really quick response.
And they are genuine - I have checked

The second one is where you can promote your work and portfolio.
Peeps on Reddit genuinely go through posts.

You’ll either end up with a role or get great feedback.

2/ X has a job board too 😮 

Again, very few know about it.
And this gives you the advantage.

X like Reddit considers itself to be a very closed community.

Conversations here are direct and quick.

Give it a shot.

Did you know about the X job board?

What’s cooking at CwC? 🎃

Wild month. Literally. If you ask me honestly, it has been the craziest one we have ever had. I am on three hours of sleep. And might have just two today because I need to type down this newsletter.

Item 1 - We officially have 2 interns turn into full-time employees 🎊 

Can you believe this? We have two full-time employees.


If you could see me jump while I was typing this, you’d see me reach the ceiling.
Bang my head. Smile big.

Say hi to these brilliant individuals -
Abirah Nabi, now a Marketing Strategist
Shriya Raithatha, now a Sales Strategist

Here are our champions

Item 2 - The world is finally talking about us 🎉 

Well, well, well, well.

We couldn’t be more grateful, Dilpreet :)

Item 3 - Too many referrals 👋 

September finally felt like a month where everything seemed to come together.

As we got referrals from clients, my belief that customer experience triumphs everything grew stronger.

Referrals are a game changer.
Bad month? Poor lead generation? Broken system?

Referrals help you breathe.
Fix things.
While the $$$ flows in.

3 referrals from 1 client???

And another one - wow

Again, these legends are all to thank -
Preyansh, Arshnoor and Vihangi - y’all really help us shine 🙏 

Hopefully, a couple more from hereon.

Item 4 - We are on YouTube too 🎥 

Now, it would be unfair to YouTube if it did not see CwC there.

And we hate to be unfair to social channels.

Introducing you our YT channel - click here

We promise we won’t be repurposing our Instagram content here.
And that it will be some of the best videos you see from our end.

We are on a run to make this newsletter the next James Clear. Help us get there by recommending this one. We’ll shower you with love all your life.

Achyuta & Vihangi



or to participate.