This Is My Sneakiest Marketing Idea Ever

Friday Edition

Mini Introduction -

Hello fam

I want you to play this song in the background while reading this -

if you are on your laptop - this
if you are on your mobile/tablet - this

What do you think makes a human better than everyone they surround themselves with?

Question to think about

Here’s my answer -

Growing up, I was thrown a lot of encyclopedias and books like that my way.
My parents never said no to my brother and me if we asked them for stuff to read and learn. 📚

Our education was their priority.

You know what’s the funny part?
They never made us follow a strict routine or nagged us to do our homework.

We would hear wild stories from our friends about how their parents were so involved in their education (your true typical Asian parent)

Instead, ours would drive conversations.

We’d sit every day for an hour and talk about things that no one else in the world does in a family.

Sex education. Poverty. Thunderstorms. Dinosaurs. The Mughal Empire. 🦕 

meet my family and me. the more handsome one is me.

As years passed, my brother and I got more involved in these daily conversations before dinner until later when it was only him and me speaking and our parents smiling.

My brother and I used to have verbal fights on topics like Marxism, India’s global stance, WHO and its resources - never realising that we were learning even more from each other and our research to sound smarter that day.

We still fight. ⚔️
Business sustainability. AI. and more.

But that’s not what I want to come at.

I often hear people complain about problems in life that they can’t solve and how unfortunate their lives are or that luck never favours them.

And I can guarantee 9/10 times that these people do not appreciate reading.

Readers are problem solvers. 📖 

Because all their lives they have seen lines written on problem-solving.

Heroes fighting villains.
How some people thought there was no blackhole until someone challenged it
& more.

These books just build a subconscious habit of looking at the world as a set of problems and solving as many as possible to the best of your capability.

Your back hurts. You know you need to change your habits. You get conscious of how you sit. You see an improvement.

Because that book you read showed how the main character changed his drinking habit by becoming conscious about the environment they put themselves in.

Trust me, your brain co-relates stuff with the knowledge you have.

Don’t get me wrong - I am not asking you to be a bookworm.
Because my brother and I are not.

Get us on a football ground or a cricket field or a table tennis table or any good sport and I promise you’ll be shocked at our ability to play these sports.

How? That’s a story for later.

But if you feel like you are stuck in a problem or a loop today - start reading.
And encourage everyone around you to too.

Trust me, it changes life.

Something no one does but you should 💁🏻

Here’s one of the sneakiest ideas I have had this week.

How many of you have heard of astroturfing?

No, I am not talking about sports.

Astroturfing marketing is the process of pushing a marketing message in a manner so that it appears authentic.

Now, some could call it controversial or manipulative.
Or a tactic straight from hell.

Not me. I’d say if you do this the right way - it might just be a well-executed audience diversion.

What do you need to do?
Act a little dumb on Reddit. 🤖 

No platform is better for conversations on topics than Reddit.
The moment someone needs a different perspective on a topic - they search it on Reddit or Google redirects them to a Reddit response.

Here’s what I do if I were selling something (let’s say a shoe) 👟 👞 👠 

I’d go to a subreddit that talks about shoes and post something like -
“Who sells the best shoe in the UK?”

Now if you know Reddit, you know people love talking.

You’ll see multiple responses, mostly from people who find shoes interesting.
Bingo - you have found your audience.

And also some great competitors to find inspiration from.

Now -
Give it a month or so and then go back to the post and write a little update -

“I have found a great shoe seller - <add your store name with address>”

Now everyone who has been talking about shoes on your thread gets a notification about the update/edit - some also check your store. Some might also walk in.

Asking about some of the best young creators in the UK

If I wait out a week or so, you’ll notice that there will be more conversations on the topic.

A month down the line, all I need to do is edit the post with an update.
“Hey, I think I found some interesting profiles -” and add my profile and the team’s profile.

I am sure we’ll get more profile views.
And if some of them do find our profile interesting, maybe follow too.

You see - the most important part of astroturfing is to understand how much of the boundary can you push.

Things you should not do -

🚫 Claim something you are unsure of.
🚫 Diss another business
🚫 Make false promises

As long as you are ethical, a little self-promotion works.

You can also do this on Quora.

P.S. - What do you think about astroturfing marketing?

Free forever for you 🤩 

Legit, forever ever for you.

Last week, we sent out 28 Hook Templates tailor-made for you.

Were they good to use? Did you try any? How were the results?
Reply to this mail and let us know.

If you did not get a chance to read that newsletter, read it here

Okay before I give you the free resource we use at CwC, here’s the story behind it -

Vihangi and I find zero time on days to catch up on a call or solve certain problems that would require a diversion from the path we have taken for the day.

We also acknowledge that if the problem is long - it cannot be done in text.

What do we do?

Ask the team or each other to send voice notes on WhatsApp and then use an AI transcriber to summarise it.

Introducing you - Audio Notes AI

All you need to do is start chatting and forward your audio messages here. It does 3 things -

1/ Transcribe the entire audio file
2/ Summarise the audio file in a para
3/ Pick out important bullet points for you to look at

We wouldn’t recommend it if it wasn’t a great tool to use.

Saves a lot of time. The other person feels heard. Works get done faster.

What’s cooking at CwC? 🎃

Ever since I started this section in my newsletter, I have realised there’s so much that’s happening at CwC - all the freaking time.

Hiring. Building processes. Executing work. Expansion. Crazy.

Item 1 - This week we partnered with Zomato for a mini-campaign

Last week was Blinkit, this week is Zomato.

And trust me, we have more brand deals coming our way

Once again, Abirah Nabi partnered with Zomato for a UGC (User-generated content).

We have slowly started to focus on UGC campaigns.

We strongly feel that people who speak on certain topics can talk about brands and their opinions on it.

Again, this is at their discretion.

The brands they want to associate themselves with.

In the next couple of months, you’ll see CwC partnering with brands from around the world.

Abirah’s LinkedIn post on Zomato

Trust me, we can’t do it ourselves.

We need you to help us out on this very new venture and be a part.

What do you get in return?

  1. Opportunity to partner with a known brand

  2. Network with other creators

  3. Get paid to write

If this sounds interesting, join our Influence with CwC programme -

And if you are a brand that needs visibility in a sector through LinkedIn, reach out to us at [email protected] 

Item 2 - Welcome Vanshika, our new Lead Generation Specialist

We have a new member on our team.

Meet Vanshika, she’ll be starting as a Lead Generation Specialist.

We are expanding at CwC and needed another hand in proactively reaching out to founders who could use our help.

You can connect with her here.

Drop her a DM! Congratulate her. Ask her how her day was.

Do it right now!

Item 3 - A lot of happy clients.

You know what makes my day?
Happy clients.

You know what makes me go berserk and listen to Kanye West & Taylor Swift one after another?
A lot of happy clients.

If you all want, I could talk about the process we implement in an upcoming newsletter.

We have implemented the same one over and over again and have results where our clients -
1/ Generate leads with an average ticket range of $10,000
2/ Have a Blue LinkedIn Voice Badge
3/ Are a daily authority figure now

Happy Client #1

Happy Client #2

Happy Client #3

Happy Client #4

This is all thanks to these brilliant individuals who excel in client management and Customer Experience.

Preyansh, Arshnoor and Vihangi - thank you 🙏 

My suggestion?

Drop them a ‘Hi’ and ask them how they do it.

We are on a run to make this newsletter the next James Clear. Help us get there by recommending this one. We’ll shower you with love all your life.

Achyuta & Vihangi


or to participate.